Having surgery?

Get access to a personalised programme and a dedicated Prehabilitation Health Specialist.

Get access to a personalized programme and a dedicated health coach.

The hospitals we cover in your region

Conquer your surgery

Start your digital surgery programme to greatly reduce your risk of complications and accelerate your recovery post-surgery. No travel, no waiting rooms.

A personalised programme

Prepare for and recover from your surgery with a plan that’s personalised to your needs, goals, and surgery.

A personalized programme

Prepare for and recover from your surgery with a plan that’s personalized to your needs, goals, and surgery.

Dedicated 1-on-1 support

Connect with a Prehabilitation Health Specialist. Connect via text, phone call, or video chat.

On-demand self-care resources

Evidence-based surgery, nutrition, sleep, mindfulness, exercise, and substance content.

No matter what surgery you are having or when it is, we have you covered

We’ve supported people like you having hundreds of different operations across all major specialties.

See what people just like you think of Surgery Hero

With the help and encouragement of my Prehab Specialist in the last 8 weeks I have lost over 24lbs, feel healthier, sleep better, and my knees have not felt this much pain-free for as long as my ageing memory can recall. Many, many thanks. And may others be as fortunate as I to receive your team's help.
Joe, Program participant
My relationship with food and exercise has changed to a positive one. I now have an exercise routine which I enjoy and can keep up. I no longer have negative thoughts about food and exercise. I have become physically stronger and feel I am going to have the best possible recovery from my surgery that I wouldn't have without following this programme. My Prehab Specialist was very easy to talk to, caring, understanding and very helpful."
Linda, Program participant
For 10 years I’ve felt like I’ve been banging my head off a brick wall, but you’ve taken the time to listen when no one else would. I’ve learned I can control my own health — I don’t just have to listen to them saying ‘take this pill, take that one’. I know what I’m capable of and what’s in my control. You’ve gone into what matters to me."
Dorothy, Program participant

Tested and proven to deliver strong results

Clinical studies show that Surgery Hero members have less surgical complications, spend less time in hospital, and improved recoveries.
of people helped
fewer post-op complications
of people would recommend Surgery Hero

Getting started is easy


Ask your care team or benefits team to invite you
Surgery Hero is provided free by our partners.


Tell us about yourself
Download the Surgery Hero app. Then, complete a 10-minute questionnaire to help build your personalised care plan.

Tell us about yourself
Download the Surgery Hero app. Then, complete a 10-minute questionnaire to help build your personalized care plan.


Start your programme
Once your account is approved, you can start feeling better about your surgery.


Am I eligible?
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Your care team has referred you for our program so it’s likely you are eligible. We will ask a few questions to make sure as part of the sign up.

How does it work?
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As a Surgery Hero member, you’ll have your own personal health coach and/or a lifestyle medicine program to support you before and after surgery. 

An important part of the Surgery Hero program is that it’s specific to you. Surgery Hero will help you to set and work towards a series of short term goals that break the surgical journey down into small, manageable steps.

Patients who take part in surgical preparation programs like Surgery Hero have less risk of complications and return to normal life sooner.

What is Prehabilitation?
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Improving your physical and mental health in preparation for surgery is known as prehabilitation. 

Optimising your health in advance of surgery will give you the best chance of a smoother and quicker recovery and enable you to have a more rewarding experience overall.

What is Surgery Hero?
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Surgery Hero is a digital prehabilitation service designed specifically for people having surgery.

We help you to get in the best shape for your operation by working on all areas of health and wellness. This includes exercise, healthy eating, sleep, mental wellbeing and more. 

The program is delivered through the Surgery Hero mobile phone application which is available on iOS and Android devices.

What devices can I use to access Surgery Hero?
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Surgery Hero works on the majority of Android (Android OS 5.0 and above) and iOS devices (version 12.0 and above). Huawei devices are not supported.

What if I need help, who do I contact?
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If you are experiencing any issues at all, please reach out to our support team at [email protected]

Is there really no cost for me?
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Yes! Surgery Hero is provided by the NHS at no cost to you.

Does Surgery Hero schedule my surgical procedure?
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No - Surgery Hero works in partnership with your NHS organisation to provide digital prehabilitation programmes for those waiting for surgery.

The healthcare team in the hospital where you are receiving treatment are responsible for scheduling the date of your operation and sharing this information with you.

Can I cancel my membership?
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Yes, participating in your Surgery Hero programme is optional and will not impact the scheduling of your surgery.

You cancel at any time for any reason by emailing us at [email protected].