🎉 Surgery Hero has been acquired by Sword Health.

Surgery Hero for Employers

Healthier humans, healthier bottom lines.

A proven surgery solution that combines human care and technology to enhance recovery.

Book a demo

Neglecting employees at the time of surgery is resulting in significant avoidable costs.

most common cause of  employee absence is due to surgery recovery
growth in days lost to surgery recovery in last five years
employees will suffer anxiety, depression and other mental health issues due to their surgery

How many employees are in your organisation?

employees will undergo a surgical procedure per year
days lost per year due to surgery consultations, hospital stay, and recovery
the annual cost of surgery related issues in the workplace
Figures are estimated and based on UK research.

Simple, cost-effective and easy to roll out


Our dedicated team can get you up and running in two weeks.


We have designed Surgery Hero to run in parallel to your existing workflows.


Our marketing approach is customised to your organisation.


We provide detailed reporting so you can track our impact.

Hear directly from Surgery Hero Clients

Surgery Hero puts the person at the centre of care - helping them navigate through the surgical pathway. Surgery support should become an essential part of a benefits suite, and the increase in surgical claims and record numbers of people on waiting lists only reinforced the need to bring in a surgery support partner in Surgery Hero.

Alistair Dornan

Director, Organisational Wellbeing

Supported by evidence.

Surgery Hero has been built using best-in-class techniques, supported by experts in perioperative medicine, and with a continuous research pipeline.

  • 24%
    increase in PAM
  • 20%
    physical activity improvement
  • 34%
    nutrition score improvement
  • 10%
    mental wellbeing improvement
  • 20%
    sleep quality improvement

Success Stories


With the help and encouragement of my Prehab Specialist in the last 8 weeks I have lost over 24lbs, feel healthier, sleep better, and my knees have not felt this much pain-free for as long as my ageing memory can recall. Many, many thanks. And may others be as fortunate as I to receive your team's help."

Joe, Program participant

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For 10 years I’ve felt like I’ve been banging my head off a brick wall, but you’ve taken the time to listen when no one else would. I’ve learned I can control my own health — I don’t just have to listen to them saying ‘take this pill, take that one’. I know what I’m capable of and what’s in my control. You’ve gone into what matters to me."

Dorothy, Program participant

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My relationship with food and exercise has changed to a positive one. I now have an exercise routine which I enjoy and can keep up. I no longer have negative thoughts about food and exercise. I have become physically stronger and feel I am going to have the best possible recovery from my surgery that I wouldn't have without following this programme. My Prehab Specialist was very easy to talk to, caring, understanding and very helpful."

Linda, Program participant

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Your data privacy and security is our #1 priority at Surgery Hero

Get started with Surgery Hero

See how we can help your organisation save on healthcare costs and improve the lives of your population.
Book a demo