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Participant Spotlight: Lynne

Charlotte Housden
October 22, 2024

Facing cancer is a journey no one ever expects to take, yet for one member, their resilience and determination to improve their health became the driving force through multiple surgeries and treatments. Diagnosed with Stage 3 rectal cancer in January 2023, Lynne underwent chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and three major surgeries, including a liver resection. Alongside these challenges, Lynne signed up to Surgery Hero. The digital programme, alongside her dedicated health coach, Charlotte, played a pivotal role in helping her navigate her recovery from liver surgery, which proved to be more challenging than previous operations.

1. Could you tell us a bit about your health journey so far?

I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Rectal Cancer in January 2023 through the NHS Bowel Screening Programme and completed chemotherapy and radiotherapy prior to my surgery to remove the tumour in June 2023.

I had a temporary stoma (ileostomy) until December 2023 when this was successfully reversed.

In early 2024, a secondary bowel cancer was diagnosed after my follow up blood test (CEA) marker was raised which led to a CT scan and MRI.

I had a liver resection (removal of half of my liver as the tumour was deep-seated in the centre of my liver) in July 2024. When I went to my pre-op assessment at Derriford Hospital (specialist liver unit in Plymouth) I was made aware of the Surgery Hero app and I was very interested to find out more as I am proactive with my health and wanted to do as much as I can to help my own surgery and recovery.

This major surgery was a real challenge as the recovery was much harder than the two earlier surgeries for bowel cancer.

2. What positive changes have you noticed since starting the programme?

Since signing up for Surgery Hero and meeting my coach Charlotte I have made many positive changes, i.e. making a plan for fitting some self care time into my normal day and getting into a routine which works for me. She was also able to help me talk about my priorities - dealing with constipation, lack of mobility straight after my operation and later enabling me to cook meals from scratch rather than heating up a convenience meal.

3. What did you like most about the Surgery Hero programme and why? 

The best thing about the Surgery Hero app for me, was the weekly check in with my coach. It was very important for me to be accountable for the priorities that we had set to achieve my goals. In the weeks that I hadn’t achieved the goal set, Charlotte and I would work together to see how I could incorporate changes to be successful. We had many laughs along the way, sometimes due to my excuses for not achieving the goal set!

It was teamwork between us that made the programme so enjoyable and successful to my recovery from surgery.

4. What have you learned about yourself throughout the process?

I have learned through taking part in this programme that I need to write my targets down and have something to look at, usually a list of ideas! I am proactive with my own health and Surgery Hero has helped me to take some control of my own recovery, which has been a tremendous boost to me. There is a facility to set goals on the app and plenty of advice, exercise ideas and videos to use between coaching sessions which I found interesting and useful.

5. What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining the programme?

If anyone is wondering about joining this programme, I would definitely encourage them to give it a go. There is the option to be as involved with your coach as much or as little as you wish. For me, the coaching sessions were extremely useful, knowing that I could celebrate my successes and mention any problems that I had (one for me, was when I had been suffering with digestive problems for a few weeks, and Charlotte encouraged me to contact my colorectal nurse or my doctor, which I did, for advice relating to this). Also, being accountable to myself and my coach, meant that I was more likely/more successful in achieving my targets. I am now in a much better place health wise and I have recovered from my surgery really well.

Lynne’s health journey exemplifies the resilience and determination needed to overcome a serious illness and major surgery recovery. With the help of Surgery Hero and the support of her coach, Lynne has been able to take proactive steps toward improving her health and well-being. As Lynne continues to heal, she remains in a much better place health-wise, grateful for the guidance and encouragement they received along the way.

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